Is it normal for my digital camera to use so many alkaline batteries?
Unfortunately, it is. Digital cameras use alkaline batteries at a shockingly
fast rate. (For an explanation why, see the following question). If you
are using lots of alkaline batteries for your electronic devices you'll probably
want to switch to rechargeable NiMH batteries ASAP. Not
only will the NiMH batteries power a digital camera (or most other electronic
devices) much longer than alkaline
batteries will, but they are much less expensive to use.
Why do my alkaline batteries run down so quickly when
used in a digital
camera (or other electronic device)?
Alkaline batteries were not designed to meet the very high power demands of
today's electronic devices. Alkaline batteries have a high rated capacity, but
they can only deliver their full capacity if the power is used slowly.
Electronic devices such as
digital cameras place a high power drain on batteries, so it is much better to use
rechargeable NiMH or NiCd batteries for these type of devices. Lithium
batteries also work well in high drain applications but they are expensive and
are not designed to be recharged.
Do Ultra or Advanced Formula alkaline batteries last
any longer than standard alkaline batteries?
Yes, for high drain applications Duracell Ultra and Energizer Advanced
Formula batteries do last longer than standard alkalines. Unfortunately,
they only last about 30% longer. So instead of lasting for say 15-25
images they might last for 20-40. That's a little better but it's still
pretty poor, especially considering that these new style alkalines cost as much
as $1.50 each. Rechargeable NIMH or NiCds are the better choice for high
drain applications. They last much longer on a single charge and don't have to
be discarded after a single use.
Can NiMH batteries be substituted for alkaline
batteries even though they are only 1.2 volts?
Yes, for most high drain electronic applications NiMH batteries are ideal substitutes
and you needn't worry about the apparent voltage differences. Even though
alkaline batteries are rated at a nominal 1.5 volts, they only deliver 1.5 volts
when they are fully charged. As they begin to discharge the voltage of
alkaline batteries continuously drops. In fact, over the course of their
discharge, alkaline batteries actually average about 1.2 volts. That's
very close to the 1.2 volts of a NiMH battery. The main difference is that an
alkaline battery starts at 1.5 volts and gradually drops to less than 1.0
volts. NiMH batteries stay at about 1.2 volts for most of their discharge
There are a couple of cases where their actual voltage difference may be
important to you. In the case of a device like a radio, where a higher
voltage can mean a stronger signal, a fresh alkaline battery may be more desirable
- but more expensive - than a rechargeable NiMH battery. This is also true for a flashlight, which will be brighter
with the initial higher voltage of alkaline cells. This minor difference
may not be important to you and is probably offset by the much lower cost of
operating NiMH batteries. And keep in mind that the alkaline battery only
has a higher voltage when it is fully charged. Once it gets to 50%
capacity or less, it will be delivering a lower voltage than a NiMH battery.
The one time when the voltage difference of the two is important would be in the case of a device that checks the voltage of a battery to estimate the amount of charge left on the battery. Because the voltage of an alkaline battery drops at a very predictable rate it's possible to estimate the amount of capacity left in an alkaline battery based solely on its voltage. (1.5 volts - fully charged, 1.25 volts - 50% charged, 1.0 volts - almost fully discharged). But a NiMH (or NiCd) battery stays at about 1.2 volts until it is nearly completely discharged. This makes it almost impossible to know the amount of capacity left based on its voltage alone. When a device that's using NiMH batteries indicates the battery is low, it's time to change the batteries now!
are better, NiCd batteries or NiMH batteries?
For most electronic devices it is better to use NiMH batteries than NiCd
batteries. NiCd batteries use Cadmium, a highly toxic heavy metal, that
can damage the environment if not disposed of properly. (They should be recycled
not discarded).
NiMH batteries usually have a higher capacity than NiCd batteries of the same
size. Some people argue that NiCd batteries deliver faster discharge
rates than NiMH batteries. While this may be true under certain
circumstances, the difference is not
relevant when considering power sources for electronic devices like digital
cameras or portable music players. (If you are choosing a battery to drive a
high torque power screwdriver, then NiCds can outperform NiMH). NiMH
batteries require more sophisticated chargers than those typically used for NiCd
batteries. But smart chargers designed especially for NiMH batteries are
now readily available.
Do NiCd batteries really have a memory effect.
Answering this question is a sure way to start a flame war on the
internet. The simple answer is: Technically speaking NiCd batteries do
not have a memory effect. However,
they do suffer from a
voltage depletion or voltage depression phenomenon that most people
call the memory effect. So practically speaking, NiCd batteries do
suffer from
a memory effect, even if it is not technically correct to call it
that. There is a lot of disagreement in the battery industry over what
actually causes voltage depression. The phenomenon itself is very
real. If a NiCd battery is repeatedly charged after it has only been
partially discharged it will develop a lower voltage and a lower
capacity. Fortunately, this effect is reversible by conditioning NiCds.
Conditioning is simply fully discharging the battery (down to about 1.0
V per cell) after charging it. If a full discharge followed by a
charge cycle is done several times, a battery suffering from voltage
depletion (voltage depression, memory effect, or whatever you would
like to call it) should be restored back to its normal voltage and
If you use NiCd batteries you should be aware that most of the problems
experienced by NiCd battery users are not due to a "memory effect" but
are due to overcharging or improper storage. Overcharging is usually caused by
poorly designed first generation battery chargers. These chargers continue
to deliver current to the batteries even after the batteries are full charged.
"5- hour" and "8-hour" timer type chargers can damage NiCd or NiMH batteries if
they are frequently used to charge batteries that are only partially discharged.
The other common cause of damage to NiCd and NiMH batteries is leaving them in a device like a flashlight left "ON" after the battery has run down. Electronic devices normally switch themselves off once the battery is discharged. But other devices like flashlights, cassette players, and many toys, will continue to put a small load (drain) on a battery even after the battery is run down. Eventually (after a few weeks) this drain on a discharged battery will cause the polarity of the battery to reverse (the plus end actually becomes minus and vice versa). Once this happens the battery will not take a charge again. Battery makers recommend that rechargeable batteries be removed from any devices that will not be used for several weeks or longer.
The big difference between voltage depletion, the so called "memory effect" and damage caused by overcharging or improper storage, is that reduced capacity due to overcharging is not reversible.
Do NiMH batteries have memory effect?
Technically, NiMH batteries do not have a "memory effect", but strictly
speaking neither do NiCds. However NiMH batteries can experience voltage
depletion, also called voltage depression, similar to that of NiCd batteries,
but the effect is normally less noticeable. To completely eliminate
the possibility of NiMH batteries suffering any voltage depletion effect
manufacturers recommend an OCCASIONAL, complete discharge of NiMH
batteries followed by a full recharge. NiMH batteries can also be damaged by
overcharge and improper storage (see the NiCd section immediately above this
one). Most users of NiMH batteries don't have to be concerned with this voltage
depletion effect. But if you use a device say a flashlight, radio, or
digital camera for only a short time every day and then charge the batteries
every night, you will need to let the NiMH (or NiCd) batteries run down
What is the shelf life of a NiMH battery?
You probably mean to ask: What is the self discharge rate of a NiMH
battery? The rate of self discharge for any battery depends on the
temperature at which it's stored. Stored at 70 degrees F (20 C) NiMH
batteries will lose up to 40% of their charge within a month. If they are
stored at a higher temperature, they will self discharge at an even higher
rate. Stored at a lower temperature they self discharge at a lower rate
(Self discharge chart available soon).
How many times can a rechargeable battery be
I normally answer that question by simply saying
"hundreds". The reason I can't be more precise is because this is a
more complex question to answer than it might seem. The number of times a
battery can be recharged depends on how the battery is used. An analogy
that is sometimes used is to compare a rechargeable battery to a loaf of
bread. Suppose someone asked, how many slices can be cut from a loaf of
unsliced bread? The answer, of course, depends on how thick or thin the
bread is sliced. If the slices are very thin it can be cut into more
slices. The same is true for recharging a battery. Every time a
rechargeable battery goes through a charge and discharge cycle it loses a tiny
bit of capacity.
If the battery is completely discharged before it is recharged,
that takes a bigger "slice" of the battery's capacity, if it is only
partially discharged a before recharging, it uses up a smaller
"slice". A NiMH battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of
times, but whether that means 200 times or 800 times has a lot to do with how
big of a "slice" you take each time.
Does putting batteries in the freezer or refrigerator make them last longer?
It depends on which type of batteries and at what temperature you normally
store them.
Alkaline batteries stored at "room temperature" will retain 90% of their power for years without refrigeration. Under normal circumstances, refrigerating or freezing alkaline batteries will extend their life by less than 5%.
NiMH and Nicad batteries, start to lose power when stored for only a few days at room temperature. But they will retain a 90% charge for several months if you keep them in the freezer after they are fully charged. If you do decide to store your charged NiMH cells in the freezer or refrigerator, make sure you keep them in tightly sealed bags so they stay dry. And you should also let them return to room temperature before using them.
Does rapid charging reduce the life of batteries?No. So long as it is done using a properly designed, smart charger,
most NiMH batteries can be recharged in about an hour without any damage or
reduction in their life. However, NiMH batteries must be rapid charged with a
charger specifically designed for charging NiMH batteries. Chargers designed
to charge NiCd batteries can overcharge NiMH batteries. Even a standard or
slow NiCd charger can damage NiMH batteries.
What about rechargeable or renewable
alkaline batteries?
Rechargeable alkalines work well for some uses but, they are not a
good alternative for use in digital cameras. They typically have an
even lower capacity than standard alkaline batteries. This means that if a
standard alkaline only lasts for a few exposures, a rechargeable alkaline
will last for even fewer!
What does mAh stand for?
mAh stands for milli Ampere hour or milli Amp hour. It is
a measure of a battery's energy storage capacity. If you think of a
battery as a small fuel storage tank, which in a sense it is, mAh a measure of
how much "fuel" the battery holds. (This is roughly comparable to using
gallons to measure how much fuel a gas tank can hold. The more gallons of
capacity, the more fuel the tank can hold.) With a battery the higher the
mAh rating the more electrical energy it can store.
While it is useful to think of mAh as being the rough equivalent to gallons, the analogy is not a perfect one. Different types of batteries use different methods to measure mAh so comparing the mAh rating of one type of battery, say an alkaline battery to another say an NiMH battery, is not always meaningful. However, in general, the mAh rating of a battery is a quick way to compare the relative energy storing capacity of one battery to another battery of the same type.
Can I substitute a higher
mAh battery for a lower one?
If the batteries are of the same type, i.e. both are NiMH or
both are Lithium-ion, then you can use a higher capacity (i.e. higher mAh)
battery instead of the lower one. The reverse is also true. Using a higher
mAh rated battery will allow the device to run longer on a charge. So a
camera should take more pictures and a music player can play more songs.
Keep in mind that it will take a little longer to charge a higher capacity battery. (Staying with the fuel tank analogy from above, it would also take longer to fill a 20 gallon gas tank than a 12 gallon tank).